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After seeing Janet for acupuncture treatments consistently for the past 4 months, and I have seen significant boost in my immune system, and energy level. She even suggested ingredients to incorporate into my cooking, and little rituals that have helped

Jo P.,San Francisco

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Many people turn to acupuncture when they want to quit smoking. This is because acupuncture can be a gentle and effective way to reduce cravings, detoxify the lungs, and stabilize one’s emotions as they are quitting. The key is the patient has to be ready to quit. They have to be willing to shift to the identity of being a non-smoker. This often means giving up activities/rituals that promoted the smoking habit, such as going out to bars, drinking the morning cup of coffee, or looking forward to the smoke break at the office. Sometimes it is also important to step back from others who continue to smoke.

Acupuncture has enjoyed a long history of helping people with a variety of addictive behaviors. To this end, people have turned to acupuncture for alcoholism, drug abuse, sugar and food cravings, and even other addictions such as gambling or shopping. Acupuncture works by balancing the flow of Qi in the body and mind. In acupuncture theory, addictions are due to a number of potential imbalances in the way that energy flows through the body. In particular, people who exhibit highly addictive behavior tend to have problems in their heart Qi, which may be due to a history of emotional or physical abuse or a betrayal of trust. As their core emotional response to life feels unsafe to them, they often turn to external solutions to provide a sense of comfort and security.

On a biochemical level, addictions to substances such as cigarettes create an imbalance in the way that serotonin and dopamine is regulated in the brain. The addict needs a constant fix of the substance in order to keep a relative balance in their neurotransmitter levels. When the substance is removed, then serotonin levels plummet which causes irritability, fatigue, anxiety, or depression. Acupuncture has been clinically shown to regulate these vital brain chemicals without causing unwanted side effects.

Most the of the patients I have seen to quit smoking come in 2 times per week for 3 weeks and take Chinese herbs throughout the process. Included here are a list of my favorite herbal formulas and supplements to help one through the withdrawal period:

  • Bupleurum D: A formula by Golden Flower based on the classic formula bupleurum and dragon bone. This combination of herbs is well suited to helping people through a variety of addictions. It is a first line of defense for smoking. It soothes irritability, reduces cravings, and stabilizes the emotions.
  • 5HTP: Keeps serotonin levels balanced which helps with mood, cravings, and general well being.
  • Calm Spirit: A formula by Health Concerns that helps with excessive anxiety, stress, and emotional disturbance.

Qi gong and meditation can also be a profound resource for people trying to quit. Mindfulness exercises help with developing space around the cravings and observing them in a neutral state of awareness. This helps to take a lot of the momentum out of the energy of addiction. It gives one a deep inner resource to draw upon when difficulties arise.