I have definitely recommended Janet Co to my friends and will continue to do so. Janet is a super calm and relaxing person to be around. She takes the time to explain how different points in the body correlate to
Ly, San Francisco, CA
January 9, 2013 Category : BlogMore than 100 million people in the U.S. have chronic pain. Pain comes in many forms and includes – migraines, arthritis, back and neck pain, etc. Chronic pain endures for weeks, months or years and can impact one’s life in various ways. Pain should never be ignored – whether it is mild, moderate or severe. Early intervention and treatment can significantly help before it becomes a part of your lifestyle.
What Causes Pain?
Pain results from a signal sent from your nerves to your brain. It serves as an alarm or warning indicating that you are touching a hot stove or stepping on something sharp like a nail. When the signals keep firing, the pain persists and continues. This is when it becomes chronic.
In Chinese medical theory, pain is caused by the stagnation of either Qi (energy or life force) or blood in the body. When energy gets stuck, pain results. Pain that is due to qi stagnation tends to be rather mild or achy in nature, whereas pain due to blood stagnation is more severe, sharp, fixed, or stabbing.
Signs You Need Pain Relief
If you experience frequent or daily pain—whether mild, moderate or severe, you must see a doctor or health professional. It is especially true if the pain is interfering with your life, limiting your daily activities and your ability to work. Chronic pain can begin as a mild occasional dull pain and can increasingly become aggravating to annoying to serious and debilitating. Seeing a doctor or health professional can prevent the pain from getting worse and interfering with your lifestyle.
Overcoming Pain Naturally
Walk. Because daily pain tends to make people less active, exercise helps to release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Walk or exercise at least 30 minutes daily. You can work your way up by starting slow and gradually increasing the frequency and time a week.
Get Enough Sleep. Sleep not only helps to boost immunity, it helps to strengthen the body to overcome pain. If the pain is making it difficult to sleep, see a doctor or health practitioner. Chronic pain and insomnia must be treated concurrently. Additionally, doing relaxation exercises such as deep breathing and meditation can help calm the body and mind as you prepare for bedtime.
Make Dietary Changes. Certain foods can aggravate the pain. Keep a food journal and record not only your food intake, but how you feel before and after eating a particular food. Foods such as alcohol or red wine and cheeses can trigger migraines. Fatty foods and red meat can increase the swelling and trigger the pain and arthritis. Fresh pineapple has an enzyme called bromelain, which can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Breathe Deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth (you can keep the mouth closed as well). Place your hand on your belly and notice as you inhale that your belly starts to expand and as you exhale your belly starts to slightly contract releasing toxins or carbon dioxide. Do this as often as you can. You can do it waiting in line for the grocery, sitting or standing in a bus, or taking a break from your computer. Breathing deeply can help the body to relax and relieve pain.
Get Acupuncture. Acupuncture is now a common treatment for various pain conditions. Acupuncture also helps release endorphins or natural painkillers in the body or block pain signals from the nerves. Additionally, it helps promote blood circulation to reduce inflammation and promote healing and pain relief naturally.
Try Yoga. Studies have shown that yoga can ease pain, increase function, improve mood and reduce the need for pain medication.
Try Meditation and Qi Gong. What happens in your mind affects how you feel emotionally and physically. Qi gong means working with the life energy by learning how to control the flow and distribution of qi to improve the health and harmony of the mind and body. It is a holistic system of self-healing exercise and meditation.
Try Therapy. Therapists can help you deal with the impact of pain on your life. Pain not only affects one physically but emotionally. They can also offer practical solutions to the problems you face each day.
A Simple Exercise To Improve Posture
Turn your palms up! That’s right. You can do this exercise at any time of the day — whether sitting, standing, walking! This simple exercise naturally allows your body to open up the chest, stretch your forearms and wrist, but most of all, straighten your back and improve your overall posture! A fellow acupuncturist brought this simple insight and thought I would share as well.
In Chinese medicine, qi gong (means “working with life energy”) is a common form of self-healing and meditation exercise. Almost all qi gong techniques, whether standing, moving or meditating share common principles of alignment and posture. Correct posture enhances relaxation, balance, proper breathing, and energetic flow. With the slight addition of turning your palms up, the spine should feel long and open, with shoulders relaxed, neither slouched nor pulled back. All joints (especially when standing) — elbows, knees, fingers should be slightly bent rather than rigidly locked. The chest feels easy and open neither puffed out or depressed.
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